August 22nd, 2011

For the most part guys fall into two categories. One half enjoys naturally large juggs like those on Devine Taylor. I happen to fall in line with this group. We like our juggs natural and we don’t mind a little extra baggage that comes with the territory. The other group likes fake tits. I don’t know why, but I have never been a fan of fake tits!
I must not be alone here because somebody was searching for Devine Taylor and… I didn’t have any posts on her!

Now I am not even going to try and deny that Devine Taylor has a lot of extra cushion for the push’in. She is one fluffy blonde babe for sure. I guess I have always been one of those guys that likes big things!
After all, who dreams of someday riding a bicycle? OK, maybe Lance Armstrong… But the rest of us dream of ocean liners, 747’s, big rigs, dump trucks, aircraft carriers… Get my point?

So the next time you have a big juggs wonder like Devine Taylor staring at you from across the bar, remember, big girls need love too!
Posted in big juggs, Blonde, Booty, juggs, MegaPass | Comments Off on Devine Taylor
August 2nd, 2011

So yeah… Somebody did a search her for My Big Exgirlfriend and I was a bit intrigued. What is this site of which you search, young padawan?
Turns out some guy created a site all about the girl on the right. Girls like the one on the left need not apply. Not that I wouldn’t let her suck my dick or put my cock in her ass, or anything like that… It’s just that she lacks a certain… thing… or things…
Namely… Juggs!

My Big Ex GF is for the guys that like fluffy, spunky, girls sporting big juggs. They don’t mind a little belly roll here and there. It’s all just par for the course.
The site updates several times a week with stuff you probably won’t find anywhere else. Guys submit their ex-girlfriends pics and videos. Girls submit their own photos and videos, and some even do webcams!

How would you like to be telling this heavenly beauty what to do?

With one password you get unlimited access to My Big Ex-Girlfriend and all of it’s sister sites! All two of them! Amazing!
Actually… It is… Because lets face it, a site named Drunk Attention Whores is going to be cool no matter what! Plus, Teens Self Shot has a nice ring to it too!
Now these are keywords for the ninnies that come in here looking for big juggs, but can’t spell for shit! My big exgirlfriend, my big exgirlfriends, my big ex-girlfriend, my big ex-girlfriends, my big ex gfs.
Have a nice night!
Posted in big juggs, Blonde, Booty, Brunette, juggs, MegaPass, Teens | Comments Off on My Big Exgirlfriend