Let’s face it, there are lots of free fuck finder sites on the internet. In fact, there are so many of them that you’d think they’re like mushrooms after a long hard rain in Seattle. That’s how numerous they are. But let me tell you, there are certain truths that people simply are not going to come up and volunteer. It’s simply not going to happen. At the very least, you are not going to hear these truths from the people operating these free fuck finder sites.
Notwithstanding, you need to know these truths because, otherwise, you are simply going to be playing the game to lose. There are so many guys out there who try one dating site after another only to end up depressed. They end up the way they started: with their dicks in their hands. If you don’t want that to happen to you, pay attention.
Reality Number 1: These Are Meant to Make Money
I’m sorry to be the one to tell you this, but there is no such thing as a Mother Teresa of free fucks. Seriously. Nobody gives a fuck. People are always thinking of “what’s in it for me?” Unfortunately, there are too many guys out there that are so clueless and naive that they think that there is such a thing as a true free fuck finder website. They live in this fantasy world that these websites exist for their purposes, that these sites are going to benefit them, and the website’s not going to gain anything in return.
If this is how you think, then say hello to Alice in Wonderland for me. You’re obviously living in an alternative reality. You have to wrap your mind around the truth that these websites exist for their own agenda. They’re not the Mahatma Gandhi of sexual enlightenment and free porn. They want to make money, and that’s perfectly okay. Not all sites offer their services for free like http://www.freefucksite.net does
Unfortunately, a lot of dudes get all violent and are shocked when they find out that these free sex sites are actually set up to milk as much cash out of them. They then engage in all sorts of counterproductive behavior so that they won’t feel exploited. Talk about a waste of time. Instead of imagining some sort of perfect world where you’re entitled to all the free sex that you feel you deserve, grow a pair of balls and wake up to the fact that the world needs money. Money makes the world go ‘round.
The sooner you wake up to that, the sooner you’re going to enjoy yourself. Why? You’re going to start looking at free fuck finder sites in terms of win-win relationships. You go in and you participate, and they win that way because somehow, some way, somebody might make money off your activities. And that’s perfectly fine. You win because the more you participate the higher the chance that some chick’s going to get down on her knees and suck your dick. You see how this all works out?